本次WORKSHOP由外教Miss Kirsten带着大家展开主题研讨,她给大家分享了不同的板书设计。首先她谈到了板书的重要性,她认为板书不仅能够使课堂变得更加有效,还能缓和教学进度,促进学生的专注度并激发学生的课堂参与度,同时也能将师生的思考外显,有助于课堂互动的真实发生。接着,她从课前、课中、课后等三个层面提到了如何整理板书。比如,课前应该提前设计好板书的不同板块,包括课堂目标、重点词汇和课堂板书等,最好能够将整个板书写下来,更便于课堂时查看或者补充;在课中板书后,一定要给学生留出“笔记时间”,让学生有时间消化上课内容、甚至提出质疑。同时写板书的时候也不要忘了和学生之间有“eye contact”眼神交流,这样也能帮助学生更加集中注意力,在和学生互动,需要集思广益的时候,要鼓励“brainstorm and create a concept map”;课后要及时反思板书设计的科学合理性,并且要把板书及时抄写下来或者拍照留存,便于之后进行修改和完善。
随后,Miss Kirsten还给我们分享了她近期针对不同课型的典型板书设计,比如科学阅读和写作、non-ficition(非小说类)以及fiction(小说)阅读、科学、写作以及口语课。在她的每一个板书设计中,标题、日期、课堂主要目标、课堂主要内容板书、新学词汇以及复习词汇都是常规要素。这样做的目的就是通过对板书设计思路的梳理和总结,帮助老师们理解和复现之前提到的设计思路。
@Alex 史芳:The use of blackboard writing in teaching has declined a lot, mostly because the development of science and technology has brought new ways and methods to teaching. But that doesn't mean the importance of blackboard design is diminishing. Today’s workshop made me rethink how to use blackboard writing effectively in the classroom. As Miss Kirsten said, blackboard writing, if properly used and designed, can serve to present information to students. At the same time, blackboard writing is also an important reference source for students to organize their notes. I especially like the "review" part that Miss Kirsten mentioned, because it is very important for the continuity of the course.
因为科学技术的发展为教学带来了新的方式和方法,板书在教学中的使用比以往大大减少。但这并不意味着板书设计的重要性正在降低。今天的研讨会让我重新思考了如何在课堂上有效地使用黑板书写。正如Miss Kirsten所说,黑板书写如果得到适当使用和设计,可以为学生提供信息。同时,板书也是学生整理笔记的重要参考资料。我特别喜欢Miss Kirsten提到的“复习”部分,因为这对于课程的连续性非常重要。
@Jill 刘娟:With PPT, interactive whiteboard and other modern equipment more and more widely used in classroom teaching, blackboard writing tend to be neglected by some teachers including myself, although I have always had a classroom rule - “I write, you write”, which means the students must take notes whenever they see their teacher writing on the blackboard. After today’s workshop, I realized blackboard writing is still one of the most effective ways to arouse students’ interest, hold their attention and more importantly, help them to grasp the key points of each class. I think I should stick to my rule but put in more time and effort in blackboard writing designing when preparing a lesson as it helps not only students but the teacher to understand the teaching materials and procedures better. Thank you, Kirsten, for such a brilliant workshop. All those samples of blackboard writing are very inspiring and helpful.
@Amy 吴翠华:Whenever I attend a workshop,I gain a lot and there is no exception this time. The theme of this workshop is blackboard writing. Our foreign teacher Kirsten is the lecturer today. She first illustrated the reasons, importance, and methods of displaying blackboard writing in class. Then she presented us with several examples of her blackboard design. At the end of the workshop, all the participants worked in groups to design their own blackboard writing and then shared it with others. What impressed me most is Kirsten's logical way of designing blackboard writing. She covered every single detail that a teacher should think about when preparing and conducting the blackboard writing of a class. She also emphasized the importance of reflection on class session based on the blackboard design, which is frequently neglected by myself in my own teaching practice. All in all, this workshop is enlightening and efficient. I hope more professional workshops like this can be given in the following semester.
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